Crystal Meanings

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Capricorn birthstones

Capricorns are from the group of earth signs. They are very responsible individuals with a strong sense of duty. They are reluctant to take unnecessary risks and reckless endeavors. They are quite sensitive but do not like to show their emotions. Extremely purposeful and always achieve the things they want with discipline and perseverance. They love success and aim high. They are looking for all kinds of opportunities so that they can constantly improve themselves. They have an inner beauty and charm that helps them communicate with people. They are good psychologists, balanced and insightful. They are loyal and serious, which makes them desirable partners. Representatives of the zodiac sign Capricorn are resilient and could hardly be mentally shaken. They respect honesty and seriousness in relationships.

As an amulet - in the Middle Ages kings wore sapphires to protect themselves from injury during a fight, as well as to prevent jealousy. Sapphire was also used as a protection against negativity. People believed that it protected them from spells by returning them to the one who sent them. People believed that the sapphire protected its owner from snake venom. There was also a belief that if a venomous snake was locked in a sapphire vessel, it would die immediately. Sapphire helps a lot to treat the nervous system and heart, regulates thyroid function, helps with loss of appetite.