Blue stones
If you love blue and it calms you down, then we recommend the following blue crystals:
Azurite is also known as the "stone from heaven" and helps to develop mental awareness, mental skills, and abilities strengthening intuition and leading to the visualization of mental experiences.
It is an excellent stone for meditation because it allows you to easily enter a meditative state. It also increases our ability to predict events. Azurite can help control the flow of energy and provide as much energy as is needed for the specific situation.
Azurite increases creativity, inspiration, and intuition. Helps build trust and spiritual purification. It is very useful when studying for an exam because it is easier and faster to remember information.
Azurite has strong healing properties for the throat and neck. It treats diseases such as sore throat, neck pain, thyroid problems, hearing problems, and asthma. Helps the body absorb oxygen, which in turn helps to strengthen the blood. Azurite's strong connection with copper makes a perfect addition to medical jewelry for arthritis or rheumatism. These can be both environmental toxins and toxins from a particular drug we have been taking. After using Azurite for healing purposes, you must carefully clean the stone with sage. It is best not to wash in water, as Azurite is quite sensitive and decomposes when placed in liquids.
Ajoite is considered a stone of peace and harmony. Helps to release feelings such as sadness, anger, fear and heals old emotional wounds. Ajoite also helps you connect with the higher self and the universe. It is excellent for meditation and frees you from negative energies and physical and emotional problems. The stone transforms your feelings by strengthening love.
The Ajoite stone was first discovered in the city of Aho Arizona by the native Indians of the Papago tribe and was highly valued as a bearer of purity and peace. Until the early 60's it was believed that the mineral is found only in this place. In fact, it was discovered in Messina, South America in 1947, but was not properly recognized. The last discovered deposit was in Messina in 1991. and is located over 1000 meters underground. However, the mine was then closed due to unsafe working conditions and is very unlikely to reopen. As a result, Ajoite crystals, which are highly valued by collectors, are very difficult to find.
The mineral is highly valued for its rich blue-green colors and metaphysical properties. The mineral serves to heal and harmonize the emotional body. It has very good vibrations that will not only calm us but also free us from unpleasant feelings of grief, fear, and anger. Meditating with Ajoite can lead to both laughter and tears as a result of releasing feelings that we have hidden deep inside. The mineral also awakens feelings of compassion and forgiveness, which are key to the healing process at all levels.
Kyanite is a gemstone that does not accumulate negative energy and therefore does not need to be cleaned and charged. Kyanite brings peace and tranquility and improves communication and mental awareness. It improves and supports mediation efforts.
Kyanite is an ideal stone to wear around the neck, as it has a beneficial effect on the throat. Stimulates the ability to speak more easily and express yourself more clearly. It is very useful if you have started learning a new language. Anyone who has to talk for a long time should wear Kyanite around his neck.
This stone is used to treat hearing problems, eye diseases, and olfactory problems.
It affects the chakra of the third eye and increases creativity, perceptions and helps to understand others much easier.
Kyanite has a calming effect and has a positive effect on dreams and visualization.