Pink Crystals
The pink color is often among the favorites of the ladies, so now we will present you with several different varieties of pink crystals.
Rhodochrosite is an elegant pink and white stone, also called the "stone of love and balance", as it strengthens and balances love on all levels.
It was discovered relatively recently and is found in shades of orange and pink and white stripes of different widths. It symbolizes openness and awakens the all-encompassing love, which is not limited to one person. Stone of the zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio. If you dream of Rhodochrosite, it means that you have unresolved emotional issues that worry you. Rhodochrosite brings healing, comfort, harmony, and friendship.
It helps us live with our spiritual beliefs, balancing emotional processes. Higher self-esteem inevitably leads to higher levels of consciousness and spirit.
Rhodochrosite is the best stone with which your soul will reach a higher level. It will help you solve complex issues related to the duality of nature and soul.
This quartz also helps to reach a higher level of consciousness. Promotes relaxation, balance, and understanding.
It removes negative tendencies to avoid or refuse help and makes us more inclined to gather new information while maintaining awareness and the level of intelligence we have achieved.
Rhodonite is pink or pink-red, but its variety with black lines is much more popular.
The word Rhodonite comes from the Greek word "rhodon", which means pink. In ancient times, Rhodonite was given to people who traveled as a protective stone. Prevents the heart rate from accelerating suddenly. Taurus stone. If you dream of Rhodonite, it means that you have a lot of stress in your life.
It is a stone that carries a great deal of self-confidence, confidence in one's own heart, one's own voice, and one's own choice.
Wearing this stone will calm your mind and allow you to deal with chaotic situations and patiently assess your capabilities. Rhodonite will strengthen your determination and help you be more disciplined.
This gemstone promotes peace and brings a sense of well-being. It is used to clear the psychic centers. Rhodonite is worn to make you feel calm when you are in periods of confusion and doubt.
It is a wonderful stone that closes your psychic centers so that you feel more relaxed. If you think you have too many unwanted visitors, whether physical or astral, this is the stone that will help you deal with them. Put a piece of it on your desk as a mental barrier.
Learn more about rhodonite here.
Spinel is known as an imitation stone because it can be confused with many other gemstones. Spinel is most often mixed with tanzanite.
Spinel is now a gemstone that is now valued for its own beauty. It has a great shine, firmness, and a wonderful range of spectacular colors. It is especially beautiful in its colors of red, pink, purple, and blue.
Due to the fact that much of Spinel is created artificially in laboratories, many people associate it with counterfeiting when they hear its name, but the real Spinel definitely deserves respect.
Dark blue Spinel is associated with Sagittarius, red with Scorpio. It symbolizes determination and helps its wearer to understand what is right for him and to act accordingly.
Pink Spinel - very good for couples in love, as it will further strengthen the love between them.
Peach Spinel - boosts self-confidence and softens criticism of others or yourself.
Spinel is used in spells to enhance physical condition during periods of overwork. It is also used for spells aimed at attracting wealth and prosperity.
Rose quartz
This stone purifies and opens the heart to feel unconditional love - love for yourself, love for family, love for friends, romantic love. Rose quartz is the crystal mostly used to attract love. The soothing energy of rose quartz can also help heal a broken heart, allowing for the release of accumulated emotions and grief. Helps to release unexpressed feelings towards others. Rose quartz is believed to cure kidney disease, migraines, sinusitis and nausea problems, pain, asthma, and varicose veins. It also helps to smooth wrinkles and slows down aging.
Learn more about rose quartz here.
Pink Tourmaline
Different colors of tourmaline carry different messages, and of course, pink is mostly associated with love. He has the power to heal the heart and overcome the torments of love. I will remind you to truly love yourself as well as your loved ones. It is believed that the pink Tourmaline attracts friendship and will bring you the sympathy of the people around you. Extremely positively charged crystal, which is believed to protect you and give you strength in difficult moments of life. If there are so-called "energy vampires" around you or people who are trying to harm you, then Tourmaline will protect you from them.
By completely neutralizing their influence by absorbing the negative energy and returning it to themselves. On a physical level, it treats heart problems, gynecological diseases. It is believed that it can help with spinal problems and injuries, neuralgia, and migraines.
Pink Tourmaline is the birthstone for October. It is suitable for wearing by representatives of all zodiac signs but has the strongest influence on those born under the sign of Libra.
Learn more about libra birthstones here.