Cancer birthstones
Each sign of the Zodiac has its patron stones. Precious stones are worn less often, in special cases. That is why the semi-precious ones, which can be worn constantly, are more important in everyday life.
The universal stones, patrons of all Cancer people, are emerald, ruby, natural pearls, moonstone, and heliotrope.
Clear Quartz
This stone is a powerful tool for accumulating, storing, and radiating energy. Purifies and strengthens, brings balance, and stimulates, activates the desire for recovery and action. The Clear Quartz is full of energy, it brings hope, frees us from negative emotions. Colorless, water-transparent crystalline quartz, which has attracted people since ancient times with its transparency and beauty. It is well submitted for processing. Its beautiful crystals and druses are used as wonderful collection material. Its best specimens are cut, polished, and shaped like stones for various ornaments. In ancient times, the mountain crystal was the subject of various beliefs.
According to one legend, it was used as a remedy for several internal diseases, especially heart disease. It is usually used placed under the tongue. In other places, such as talismans in the form of crystal balls, this quartz has been recommended against all sorts of misfortunes, especially in turmoil and in the treatment of certain diseases of livestock. Clear Quartz talismans were considered a necessary prop in divination and sorcery. It was also believed that the mountain crystal helps to preserve the purity of the soul and brings joy to its owners. As a talisman, it strengthens perseverance. As an amulet, since ancient times it has been considered a wonderful remedy for heart disease and diseases of the stomach and eyes. Placed in a ring protects against colds and frost. It saves the sleeper from nightmares. Worn on the right side of the body, it improves the work of the bile.
Learn more about clear quartz here.
Due to its rich purple color has been a preferred stone since ancient times. Powerful and protective, with strong vibration. It has healing, soothing, and purifying properties. As one of the stones with the strongest connection to the spiritual, it promotes reason, wisdom, and deeper knowledge.
Learn more about amethyst here.
It is one of the most beautiful stones. This is the "stone of courage". His energy brings peace and support, encourages personal responsibility. Relieves fears, gives harmony, and enhances sensitivity.
Learn more about aquamarine here.
Aquamarine has a delicate color and wonderful vibration, it encourages the expression of positive emotions, strengthens the desire for life, stimulates creativity, is associated with passion, love, and desire. It helps us realize that whatever we give will come back. Stabilizes the mood, brings insights, spontaneity, and creativity.
Learn more about opal here.
Its name comes from the sky-blue iridescence caused by the characteristic structure of the mineral. It is also called selenite. There is also a black moonstone called a Labrador. The moonstone has a pronounced iridescence in different colors, mostly in sky-blue tones identical to the moonlight.
As a talisman strengthens the lunar qualities of the owner - emotionality, desire for change and adaptation, dreaminess, softness, tenderness. Stimulates memories. It is dangerous for closed and capricious natures. It is especially strong during the new moon when it is poured with an icy glow. As an amulet is rarely used.
It is believed to help with epilepsy, through a mild hypnotic effect on prolonged contemplation, and in renal colic. It is very sensitive to shock. It can be mistaken for chalcedony or synthetic spinel. There are also imitations of glass.
Mother of Pearl
Mother of Pearl - from the Turkish word "sedef", is a naturally occurring material from a combination of organic and inorganic substances on the surface layer of the shells of a number of mollusks - mussels and snails. It is composed of hexagonal aragonite tiles, i.e. silicon carbonate crystals arranged in continuous parallel plates. The layers of aragonite plates are separated by organic matrix sheets, which consist of chitin, lustrin, and silk-like proteins. This combination of fragile tiles and thin layers of elastic biopolymer gives the material strength and strength. The iridescent effect of mother-of-pearl is also due to this arrangement.
Mother of pearl is an incredibly beautiful material that has the properties of pearls, but perhaps in a slightly weaker form.