
Celestite is a very popular crystal used to communicate with angels and other spiritual leaders. This is a crystal that will elevate you above worldly life as soon as you start using it.

Celestite has not only a proven calming effect on the human body and spirit but also many other important qualities. Celestite is also known as Celestine, sometimes found in a highly compressed form in the form of angel wings, then called Angelite.


Magical properties of Celestite

Celestite is known for its high frequency and divine energies and is known as a powerful healing crystal. Celestine can allow a person to easily go through a traumatic period. The crystal can relieve stress, anxiety, and obsessive behavior. This is the perfect mineral for singers, actors, or speakers, as the energy will relieve any kind of stage fever or nervousness. Celestine will encourage those who suffer from fear of crowds or public speaking.

It may be helpful for shy or timid children to try new experiences. Its ability to increase divine intuition makes Celestine especially useful for Reiki practice. Celestine is a great mediator for deep states of meditation, helps to calm the mind, and opens it to communication from higher realities.


Meditation with Celestite

It is a great idea for those who need to open their channel of communication that will allow you to connect with the inner strength and love of the universe. It will teach you to trust, understand, and accept that each of us is part of God's plan.

Using this stone will make you remember your dreams easier. Keep a piece of this crystal under your pillow. It is very important in the morning to immediately write down what you dreamed of. Dreams are an instrument of the subconscious that helps the physical and the conscious to heal and develop. This crystal helps to improve the communication between the conscious and the subconscious, making our dreams much clearer and more understandable.  It has been proven that if you put celestite under your pillow or near the place where you sleep, your sleep will be much calmer. The reason lies in the fact that this crystal calms the energy, giving the human body blissful peace.

Those who take astral travel can use this crystal to more easily reach predetermined destinations.


Healing properties of Celestite

It is also used to improve eyesight and hearing and to promote eloquence. If you have a sore throat, you can relieve the pain by placing a crystal next to your throat. Supports the functioning of the thyroid gland, relieves digestive problems, and removes toxins from the body.

In addition to calming energy, celestite strengthens bones, helps flush toxins out of the body, improves the digestive system, and works well in patients who have problems with the thyroid gland and central nervous system.

Celestite also works well for people who complain of sore throats or impaired vision. Celestite is especially suitable for those who exercise, as it soothes muscle pain. The crystal is recommended for people suffering from manganese deficiency.


How to cleanse and charge Celestite

Celestites need recharging from time to time by placing in the sun. Be careful not to leave it in the sun for too long, as this may change its color.


Celestite and zodiacs

Celestite is suitable for people of the zodiac signs Taurus, Libra, and Gemini, and specifically, blue celestite is also suitable for people of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

No matter what zodiac sign you are, remember that the most valuable quality of celery lies in its ability to calm the human soul and body.


Sodalite meaning

