Crystal Meanings

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Clear quartz - the amplifier

Crystal programming

One distinctive feature of this crystal is that it can be programmed with the intention of the person working with it. It can also be charged with specific energy, whether from nature or people. Think about what area of your life you want the stone to support. The good thing about this crystal is that it is universal, it can be used in combination with many other crystals because it acts as an amplifier of their specific properties. Hold the clear quartz in the left hand, calm yourself, and clear the mind. Now whisper to it quietly, or just visualize in your mind what you want this crystal to bring you. It can be protection, inner peace, calm mind, or clarity.

Meditation purposes

Clear quartz is extremely useful for meditative purposes. This quartz is one of the crystals that is used to stimulate the crown chakra - the one that is responsible for the highest energy in the body. 

So, here is how you do it. Lie on your back and place the pure quartz steam on top of your head, and concentrate. You are likely to begin to feel the centers of higher consciousness begin to vibrate and calm you down.

During this meditation, there will be an additional result if an amethyst crystal is placed on the forehead to calm the mind and a citrine on the navel to ground the experience in physical reality. Since both crystals are from the quartz family, their healing and magical powers will double.

According to modern science, this crystal stabilizes the spiritual and the physical part of the body. It has a beneficial effect on the spinal cord and brain, helps with varicose veins and respiratory diseases. Worn in the form of a necklace, it helps with headaches and makes it easier to deal with stress.

In short, there is nowhere to go wrong with this crystal, with one small exception. If you are in a bad mood and gloomy thoughts overwhelm you, avoid it and focus on a “happier” crystal like citrine. Why? As we have already said - clear quartz is the "amplifier" of all energies, and yes, this includes even the bad ones! Set it aside and return to it when you are in a more balanced state.