Fluorite is another very popular and widely used crystal. It has a great metaphysical value and should be part of each mineral collection.
Fluorite qualities
The fluorite enhances mental abilities, helps in the fast organization and processing of information, and can bring mental clarity and stability in an otherwise chaotic situation. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective in chakra cleansing. Fluorite can also protect the user from mental manipulation. Due to its powerful ability to absorb negative energies, Fluorite must be purified frequently. Just like agate fluorite has many colors, and each one of them has its own meaning and qualities. Let us tell you more about each one:
Rainbow Fluorite
This variety of Fluorite contains three different colors - purple, green, and blue. Because this stone has multiple levels of coloring, it will help you heal on all levels: spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Whatever your problems are, Rainbow Fluorite will tell you what to do to achieve complete and ultimate healing.
Purple Fluorite
This one improves your meditation skills, increases your mental development, and brings peace of mind. As we are constantly evolving spiritually, purple fluorite is needed to get us through the process of "growing up". This stone radiates strong energy and its vibes are directly received into the body. Purple Fluorite supports the healthy state of the skin, bones, and muscular system.
Green Fluorite
It serves for healing at all levels. This stone allows the mind to connect to our heart, and get a better understanding of problems and how to solve them. Green is the color of growth and grounding. Use this stone as a bridge to your personal development. It is a soothing stone, but at the same time, it gives us the courage to move forward on the path of spiritual awakening.
Blue Fluorite
soothes the throat, nose, and ears. It cleanses the aura from any karmic influences.
Yellow Fluorite
increases concentration, cooperation, and diligence. If you have issues with a colleague at work, make sure to wear yellow fluorite and you will notice how they disappear.
All types of fluorites can be used in combination with other crystals. Fluorite enhances the strength and influence of the other stones, it makes them more effective. It can also be used as a meditation stone - it will help by energizing the body and increasing concentration.
Healing properties of Fluorite
If placed directly on an affected by negativity area, fluorite gradually eliminates the pain. Direct application of the crystal on the body is especially useful for energy blockages, respiratory problems, wounds, and skin diseases, as well as arthritis. Healers use it to help with ulcer problems as well, as it stimulates cell regeneration in these areas.
The stone can be used as a treatment of certain types of mental illness and disorders in the frequencies of brain waves. It increases the electrical charge of brain cells by introducing more life force into the brain, which in turn expands consciousness. Meditation with clusters of Fluorite initiates mindfulness and mental clarity.