Crystal Meanings

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Green crystals

Green Crystals are connected to wealth, abundance, health, and financial stability. They also can calm the mind and body. Here are a few green crystals you should consider buying:


Malachite is worn to warn us of possible danger. Legend has it that this stone is broken into pieces to warn the user of possible danger.

Malachite has long been used in magic. It gives extra energy and strength. Hold it, carry it or place it on your altar to increase the ability to send energy to your magical goal. Although the stone is a calm blue-green it is often used in protective spells, especially if made for children. Malachite beads or pendants are worn to protect against negativity and physical hazards. Keeping malachite close to your heart increases your ability to love and thus attract love to you. You have to be careful with this stone, because it enhances the energy you carry, and it can be negative.


Apatite improves our ability to study things, strengthens our imagination, and increases self-confidence. It helps to reach higher levels of meditation and clears our consciousness.

Wear a piece of Apatite for longer and it will lead to establishing the spiritual state of unconditional love. The stone helps you get rid of unnecessary people, objects, and aspects of life and improves your mental abilities and creativity.

Apatite is very useful when we want to get rid of someone or something in our lives. These are people or objects that are no longer suitable for you and harm you. Use it while thinking about these issues.

 Apatite is associated with a very high level of spiritual guidance, which is not often achieved. It connects with the throat chakra. It has healing properties on the heart and emotional

Peridot helps us connect with our destiny and understand the meaning of our existence. It helps us visualize things from both the physical world and the spiritual world. If you are confused or scared you should limit the use of Peridot.


If you use it in meditation, the stone can help free your mind to the all-encompassing universe. Use turquoise to tune in to the spiritual or to provide protection during astral travel.

In India, the people believed that turquoise had great defenses, especially against evil eyes. They called it the "heavenly stone." The vibrations of turquoise can build a spiritual bridge between the worlds and give strong psychic powers to the wearer.

Turquoise can bring generosity, sincerity, and affection. He keeps friends and makes enemies friends over time. It is believed to bring good luck, but when given as a gift, not purchased. Turquoise is used to attract money and is worn during spells and enrichment spells. When received as a gift, turquoise brings wealth and happiness.

The stone is also used for love spells and spells. It is also often used to promote family harmony. If the color of the stone fades, so does the love of the wearer.