Heliotrope - the bloodstone
The meaning of Heliotrope comes from two Greek words, Helios - sun and Tropos - transformation. Varieties of Chalcedony are used to make amulets and jewelry. Dark green Heliotrope has red colors due to the presence of impurities of iron oxides. These spots resemble drops of blood, hence its other name Bloodstone.
In the ancient world, it was believed that the heliotrope held the championship among the most beautiful jasper stones with its vibrant, deep, expressive, and earthy green color, decorated with bright red braids.
It was used as a talisman because of its magical and mystical charisma. People believed that he would protect them and nourish their vitality and health.
.According to the most widespread legend, the bloody stone appears at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when the blood from his wounds drips on the earth sunk in dark green grass, which immediately turns into a precious solid of the same color; and another version states that the blood that flowed when the Son of God was pierced with a spear flowed down the cross and poured over the clusters of green jaspers that were on the ground. This is how the heliotrope was created - a variety of jasper.
Magical qualities
Heliotrope is believed to have the power to predict future events by triggering meteorological events that predict an upcoming event. Its strength is enhanced when placed in water and the water is in direct sunlight. This is also a good way to cleanse the crystal after use.
The heliotrope protects against fraud and manipulation. It takes care of a fair outcome in court cases and settling disputes of a legal nature. This type of jasper is believed to have magical properties with its ability to control the weather, stop lightning and respond to requests for rain.
Heliotrope has been used for magic for at least 3,000 years. In ancient Babylon, the stone was used to defeat enemies. The Egyptians used it to open doors and tear down stone fences.
Healing qualities of Heliotrope
It has a strong calming effect, especially in extreme survival situations. Brings mystical energies to increase adaptability and organization, as well as reduce confusion and anxiety.
In many cultures, the heliotrope is used after immersion in cold water and then placed on the body to help blood circulation and transfer the power of the sun to a living organism.
It was believed to prevent injuries and diseases, to stop blood flow, and limit bleeding from slit wounds, and therefore has the power to provide life-giving energy for recovery.
Frequent contact with the stone nourishes good health, long life and brings its owner luck, wealth, and fame. It is considered a safe shield against lessons. It helps to deal with an unequal battle if your enemy is to blame for the conflict.
Its most famous use is to stop bleeding. This was often done as first aid to wounded soldiers. Today it is still worn to purify the blood and prevent blood diseases.
Helps wizards defeat evil spirits when casting spells.
Carrying the bloodstone is used against threats or harassment - verbal or physical. It can direct our thoughts in the right direction and guide us when we need to take more decisive action and when it is time to remain silent or withdraw. If you give a heliotrope to a child or teen who is being bullied at school, the stone can get rid of the bullies. I will be giving you the skills and strength to adapt to new and unfavorable circumstances.
Zodiac signs
The traditional birthstone for March.
Stone of Aries, Pisces, and Scorpio. It brings longevity, fame, and money. It can also help you stay invisible whenever you want.