Moldavite - the space gem

The Moldavite has been created in the most unique way. As a result of the clash between the passing meteorite and the surface of our planet about fourteen million years ago, this great one has appeared. The melting pots, which the meteorite caused, then flew to different parts of the earth. These stones were named Moldavite.

Moldavite is very famous for its unusual origin. Therefore, it can be said that it came from the universe directly. There are some legends that connect this beautiful mineral with the Holy Grail.

Due to its mixed terrestrial-cosmic origin, the Moldavite keeps the secrets of space in itself. In it are "locked" the powerful magical forces that move the universe. It is recommended to constantly wear this stone, as it rejuvenates the body and gives its owner a philosophical view of things, making them patient, merciful, and satisfied with everything that happens to them.


Spiritual properties of the  Moldavite

Moldavite is an extremely useful stone. This powerful mineral stimulates spiritual development on its own. It is believed that this crystal encourages a person to develop spiritually and stimulate consciousness and subconsciousness. You can wear the Moldavite in the form of jewelry is such as a simple necklace, ring, bracelet, or earrings.

The Moldavite gives a more philosophical view of life and worldview as a whole. It makes you forget about past trauma and negative thoughts disappear. This mineral creates a feeling of satisfaction and well-being of life and fills a person with very positive energy. 


What are the healing properties of Moldavite?

This meteorite is extremely useful for human health. It is good to wear it as a talisman in the form of jewelry or to leave it at home as an amulet. 

This stone helps with:

  • insomnia

  • anxiety and stress

  • presence of phobias;

  • problems with overpressure;

  • migraines and headaches;

  • eye diseases;

  • metabolic problems;

  • hair loss;

  • reproduction problems.


Zodiac sign and Moldavite

This mineral is suitable for representatives of the twelve zodiac signs.


How to use Moldavite properly?

It is believed that if you put a Moldavite in the area of ​​the camera, this will have a positive effect on metabolism and the work of the head, but also the movement. This mineral will increase physical energy and the desire for life and new adventure. If it is placed on the forehead for 10-15 minutes in the evening before going to bed, it will support the activity of the brain and will strengthen the human body.

It is believed that Moldavite gives energy, eliminates fatigue, headaches, more than any other stone, and is an excellent object for concentration, exercise, and meditation.

Moldavite can be combined with many precious stones, but it is best combined with Amethyst, Citrine, Tanzanite, Chapoit, and Larimar. Moldavite strengthens and rejuvenates the energy of the stones with which it combines. Moldavite resonates in such a way that it increases the vibrational speed of our whole being and that is why it is also known as a transforming gem.


The "Moldavite Wave"

When someone takes one Moldavite the most common reaction that most people experience first is tingling in the hand, which also spreads throughout the body. Often the reaction is then felt in the chest, in the area of the heart chakra, and then in the face, as a strong heat flow.

Many people feel very warm when they wear it or even hold it for the first time. This intense feeling after touching the stone for the first time was called the "Moldavite Wave".

There is no specific way of cleaning the Moldavite, but given the fact that it is a "Space" gem, it's better to use moonlight to cleanse it.


Crystals for protection


Rhodonite - "stone of dawn"