Crystal Meanings

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Lapis Lazuli properties

Benefits for the mind

  • Well-being. Wearing this stone offers us the opportunity to strengthen our self-confidence by helping us to appreciate the people around us.

  • Dignity. It helps to increase dignity by making the individual more honest and upright. 

  • Mental clarity. This stone favors mental clarity, so much so that it always leads to the expression of oneself consistently, without a doubt.

  • Relieve anger. It helps to forget old disagreements, to overcome dissatisfaction and negative thoughts.

  • Sensuality. It works on the female sphere, giving women a great sexual charge, especially after menopause.

  • Creativity. It is also used to accentuate the creative side. It inspires and makes you creative because it allows you to see the world with the eyes of the spirit.

Body benefits

  • Throat. Like all blue stones, lazurite works throughout the throat, helping to solve problems with the larynx and vocal cords.

  • Hearing. Regulates the thyroid and endocrine glands in the auditory field.

  • Insomnia. Reduces dizziness and relieves insomnia.

  • Menopause Helps maintain low blood pressure by regulating hormones in the body, such as those characteristics of menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy.

  • Blood circulation and heart rate. Lapis lazuli can be used to improve heart rhythm. It interferes with circulation by lowering blood pressure.

  • Migraine. By keeping it in contact with the body, it is possible to work on the head area, controlling not only migraines but also attention problems. For this purpose, it is recommended to wear lazurite earrings.

  • Insect bites. If the lapis stone is heated, it can be rubbed into the skin to reduce the discomfort of the stings of hornets and other insects.

According to some, the stone contains the soul of a deity who will please its owner.

The energy of this stone is very high and to make the most of it you need to increase your mental, emotional and spiritual energy. The stone will help you see in more detail the problems you face and will help you get rid of the negative burden you carry within you.

Sagittarius stone. Gives the strength of friendship and helps make decisions. Learn more about Sagittarius birthstones here.

You can charge it by exposing it to the moon. If you are activated for reiki, you can do a stone treatment. You can continue the purification with the help of incense or with the help of green clay or place the stone on amethyst rubble.


It should never be cleaned in contact with salt. To clean jewelry, it is possible to rinse with running water, not hot, without leaving it submerged.

The object must then be carefully dried and not exposed to heat sources. Avoid cleaning with hot water, detergents, acid, and saline solutions. A damp and soft cloth would be enough to clean the stone.