Crystal Meanings

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Tigers eye

Associated with the magical tiger the Tiger's Eye is a symbol of courage, chastity, and the proper use of power. Roman soldiers believed it would make them braver in the war. In its history, it is perceived as a stone of prosperity and happiness, to prevent malice from others.

Meditation with a tiger's eye crystal

The tiger's eye helps with all forms of meditation, from yoga and tai chi to a meditation walk on the go.

Meditation with the tiger's eye leads to a wonderful, strong vibrational state that is calm and very conducive to meeting other people through astral travels, traveling outside the body, or traveling beyond the mind.

Feng Shui tiger's eye

This stone is a good source of protective energy, which can change the environment in which it is placed with positive energy. The most suitable places for placing the stone are the front door or windows. Once you put it there, the stone will prevent negative energy from entering your home. The tiger's eye can also be placed in the children's room, in the office as the pre-selection place should be the northwestern part of the premises. Put in the right place, it will bring peace and tranquility to the relationship, if it is in the office - it will contribute to success and harmony in the workplace.

If you are about to have an important business meeting or exam, put the stone in your pocket and things will develop most favorably for you.

Magical properties of the tiger's eye

  • protects the carrier from negative energies;

  • assists in making the right decision in difficult situations;

  • attracts positive events in life;

  • protects from lessons;

  • increases concentration;

  • accelerates thought processes;

  • frees the mind from fears;

  • stimulates the release of our unused energy;

  • stimulates the clarification of our thoughts and removes our self-delusions;

  • protects against black magic;

  • increases self-confidence and vitality;

  • strengthens the will;

  • stimulates creative potential;

  • assists in overcoming difficult moments in life and gives strength in the struggle to achieve a certain goal by preventing giving it up, despite the failures to achieve it;