Aries Birthstones

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is one of the strongest zodiac signs. The representatives of this sign are under fire, which makes them very emotional, strong, and energetic.

Those born under the sign of Aries are extremely impulsive, and enterprising. They are passionate and ambitious, have a rich spiritual life, and are artistic and gifted. But they also have their drawbacks. In their desire to be leaders, they often cross borders and can become despots. Aries talisman stones should give them self-confidence and protect them from envy, as well as reduce their excessive activity and aggression.

What are the most suitable crystals for Aries?


Carnelian - brings confidence

This is the crystal for sexual energy, which awakens passion and attracts love, happiness, and marital fidelity. Promotes harmony, creativity, and self-confidence, has a calming effect, and improves mood. Brings success in financial affairs and attracts prosperity. Carnelian enhances mental ability and concentration, stimulates eloquence. A powerful stone for the Sacred Chakra used to increase personal strength, physical energy and creativity, and self-affirmation in public and professional life.

It is useful in decision-making, keeping the focus on the here and now, encouraging initiative and determination.


Coral - to calm emotions and bring inner peace

Coral improves tone and relieves fatigue. It has a beneficial effect on stress, fear, anxiety, depression as it reduces them and promotes inner peace. Coral has a beneficial effect on the human body, as it neutralizes negative states - anger, envy. It is used to attract good luck and is considered a universal means of protection from lessons. Encourages family life.

As an amulet, it protects its owner from evil people. Coral makes an excellent talisman for children.


Rose quartz - the stone of love

It is often called the "love stone" or the "heart stone" because it opens us to unconditional love in all its forms: family, platonic and romantic. It helps us develop compassion and love for others and learn how to give and receive love. Helps in finding "your other half" and keeps the family happiness. Increases creativity and confidence. Releases and removes painful memories and heals emotional breakdown. Removes guilt and balances emotions reduce stress, brings peace and tranquility.

Learn more about rose quartz here.


Malachite - the stone of confidence and action

Protective stone. Easily absorbs negative energies and pollutants, removing them from the atmosphere and the body. Enhances intuition and insight. It will bring the Aries some needed balance and harmony, opening their heart to unconditional love. The stone of business. Malachite has long been used in magic. It gives extra energy and strength. Hold it, carry it or place it on your altar to increase the ability to send energy to your magical goal.

Although the stone is a calm blue-green it is often used in protective spells, especially if made for children.

Malachite beads or pendants are worn to protect against negativity and physical hazards. Keeping malachite close to your heart increases your ability to love and thus attracts love to you.

You have to be careful with this stone, because it enhances the energy you carry, and it can be negative.

Learn more about malachite here.


Turquoise - the stone of communication

It strengthens and aligns the chakras and cleanses our energy centers. If you use it in meditation, the stone can help free your mind to the all-encompassing universe. The Indians believed that turquoise had great protection abilities, especially against evil eyes. They called it the "heavenly stone." The vibrations of turquoise can build a spiritual bridge between the worlds and give strong psychic powers to the wearer. Turquoise is known as the symbol of affection, generosity, and sincerity.

It keeps friends and makes enemies friends over time. If you gift it to your Aries friend, the stone will bring them wealth and happiness.


Aquarius Birthstones


Sagittarius birthstones