Sagittarius birthstones

Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the greatest travelers of all zodiac signs. They have very open minds and unique philosophical views, which motivates them to wander the planet searching for the meaning of life. Sagittarius is an optimist and enthusiast and loves change. People born under the sign of Sagittarius can transform their thoughts into direct actions and can do anything to reach their goals.

The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the most important planet within the zodiac. Their enthusiasm knows no boundaries and that is why Sagittarius people have a great sense of humor and strong curiosity. 

Most of the birthstones for Sagittarius are in the shades of blue. Sagittarians are great communicators who can speak their minds often and energetically. The blue crystals are also representing the element of water that can bring balance and harmony to this fire sign.



Amethyst is considered a spiritual stone. It makes a person smarter and wiser by eliminating the habit of making hasty decisions. Amethyst improves memory and helps with mental stress. Thanks to the mineral, its owner will be away from all bad habits and will be able to maintain excellent health into old age. Amethyst bracelet is a good choice. It will protect the representative of the fiery sign from negative thoughts and will bring good luck in their life.

learn more about amethyst here.



Turquoise is widely known as a talisman for the brave, able to attend the top of the planet. This stone brings them good luck and protects them from negative life situations. A good choice is a turquoise bracelet. Carrying it on your right hand will ensure a happy life filled with a sea of opportunities. Because turquoise acts on both the guts and throat chakras, Sagittarius can wear it as an extended pendant so that it falls between the guts and throat or ring.


Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz has the unique ability to clear life of the negative. This will allow you to surround yourself only with friendly people who will support you and will always have faith in you. Sagittarius can see a prophetic dream and understand what awaits him within the future and whether he is often influenced in any way. To see such a dream, it is necessary to put decoration with a stone under the pillow at full moon.

Learn more about smoky quartz here.



Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white, black, or gray stripes. The blue in the stone varies from medium blue to deep blue, similar to lazurite. Sodalite has a beneficial effect on rational thinking, by helping its owner to hamper and think more critically and clearly. Sodalite is perfect for development and meditation, especially when combined with lapis or another clear quartz crystal.

While the other stones powerfully open the door of your psychic being, this stone gently and gently opens it. For Sagittarius, it is the perfect balancing stone for their eternally busy mind. It is also a soothing stone that helps bring balance and harmony to the fiery nature of Sagittarius.



The moonstone is known as a guardian angel during travels. Sagittarius loves to travel the world and learn new things, so the moonstone is their ideal partner during their travels.

The easiest thanks to work with any sort of crystal or gemstone is to wear it. The stone can also be carried in your pocket, backpack, or bag, or held in your hands during meditation. Each of those stones can bring insight, balance, and healing to Sagittarius.

So next time your Sagittarius friend has a birthday, or you are looking for a gift that will put a smile on their face - choose one of these crystals.


Aries Birthstones


Orange Crystals